I started following Russell Michael on Twitter last year because his bio interested me, he was kind of cute, in my opinion, and was a musician (my true weakness)...but like most, I didn't really pay much attention to him unless he posted something.

After a few months I decided, hey, I think it's time you talked to this man and see what he's all about. Come to find out, he's a very talented African man that lives in London. He plays the guitar, piano, and has a voice like none other. I call him a real life Edward and he still doesn't believe me.

Russell is thriving to reach his dream of one day becoming a "Rockstar", like most of us. If anyone deserves to be "in the business" it's him. He's sweet, talented, and writes awesome songs....plus he makes for a really amazing friend.

Below are a few of the video blogs he has done, but if you'd like to know more about Russell and his music, visit his YouTube, Myspace, and/or Twitter page.

I Confess

To keep this flame

This is the vlog Russell dedicated to myself and the blog, for helping him. I haven't done much, I just REALLY love his voice and his music. His lyrics have so much meaning behind them. I hope you like.

Make this world again (w/ dedication)


People Change
