Following the November blockbuster release of "New Moon," Robert Pattinson has maintained a relatively low profile as he geared up to begin filming "Bel Ami" alongside Uma Thurman in Europe. That cloud of welcome anonymity is about to break, though, as the PR machine ramps up for another RPattz film release: the romantic drama "Remember Me."
In an interview with the Scottish Daily Record, Pattinson spoke of his paranoia about relationships, the eventual end of the "Twilight" series and some very intimate on-camera time he'll soon share with Thurman.
"The sex scenes with Uma are kind of disturbing," he said. "Her character kind of uses sex as a sort of weapon and my character thinks like an animal. There's a lot of sex scenes in this film, so I'm asking quite a lot of myself, and with lots of different people as well."
In "Bel Ami," Pattinson plays a Parisian journalist and playboy who courts his friend's wife (Thurman) and eventually marries her. Filming is set to take place across Europe, from London to Budapest.
During the interview, Pattinson also spoke about the frustration of planning his life around the "Twilight," as there's still no set date for production on "Breaking Dawn," nor any definitive word about whether the final book in the vampire series will become two films or just one.
"Not knowing when 'Breaking Dawn' is going to shoot — because it changes all the time — is a kind of burden, to have this thing where you don't know when it's going to happen," Pattinson said. "So you've got to organize everything in your life around that and that can be difficult."
Problematic as well is his increasing lack of privacy in his personal life, particularly given the persistent rumors that he's in a relationship with "Twilight" co-star Kristen Stewart.
"If you meet a crowd of people, a lot of times you think someone is going to say something, someone could be going to sell a story about you," he admitted. "The majority of times, nothing bad ever happens, but having that paranoia there is very annoying."
One story — or rather, one outlandish casting rumor — should now be put to rest. Any wish on the part of some fans that the rebooted "Spider-Man" franchise will star Pattinson as Peter Parker is just that: a wish, with no basis in reality.
"I don't think I'm going to be playing Spider-Man, even though I would quite like to do it," he said.