Saturday, May 22, 2010

REMOVED Music Video Is Now Live

I like about 2 hours west of Shreveport, where he filmed this, its nice see images and landmarks so close to home. I wanted to go to Shreveport and find Billy while he was here, but I figured he would be busy and I felt I'd be in the way, so I didn't even try to go. I know exactly where a few of the places are that are in this video, so it wouldn't have been that hard, but anywho...what do you all think of the video? 

I’ll start this post by saying this… we here at the bb site have been nothing short of BLOWN AWAY by the overwhelming and sincerely adulatory response we’ve received since launching this project. I personally, want to thank each and every one of you who have put forth SO MANY kind thoughts, compliments and good wishes. From conception to fruition and everywhere after, this is now, and will continue to be a collaborative and interactive effort. I’m gonna do my absolute best to keep you current with everything we’re doing and everything that transpires along this dusty ass little road you’re walking with me.

In that spirit, we managed to throw together a little something while on location in Shreveport, Louisiana. Some of you might know that for the past couple months I was there filming a pretty groovy and I think, pretty bad ass (somewhat adult) 3D action road picture (directed by Patrick Lussier) with Nicolas Cage called “DRIVE ANGRY”. On one of the few days that I had free, I had the good fortune of being visited by my close friend and up and coming filmmaker Devon Gummersall. He and I both thought it might be a sweet opportunity to shoot some unplanned, guerilla style footage for an impromptu video for “REMOVED”. My super-cool wife and best pal Pollyanna Rose agreed to play with us and thus, we set forth on a one day into night excursion to see what we could come up with. As you’ll see we started out on the deserted streets of Shreveport and ended up literally, in the closet of the house we were renting.

So alright, listen… admittedly we’re not shattering any earth or reinventing any wheels with this thing. We just wanted to give you all something visual and perhaps visceral to experience while we prepare the “drop” of the record and I really wanna thank my friend Devon for rocking us with his talents. Anyway, if you get any mild entertainment, amusement or even a bad taste in your mouth from it, hit us with a comment below this post, over at youtube, twitter, facebook or wherever you’re so inclined. We installed a comment reply notification here on the site so if myself or anyone else responds to your comment you’ll be notified by email.

I can’t tell you all how invaluable your involvement has been in helping spread the word about this album. Again, thanks so much for all the kind words. As I write this, the rest of the record is being completed and mastered. We’re still on schedule for a June 22nd release. It’s really been quite cool for me to have this place to communicate with you all in a more personal setting. That said, I’ve been a bit lame lately due to a non-stop schedule in terms of responding to your comments and emails. I WILL get better.

With sincere gratitude and as always much love, I hope you all enjoy seeing me in my underpants…



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