According to E! Online, who was on the Emmys red carpet, Saturday Night Live and Remember Me star Robert Pattinson crossed hairs in conversation – with the result being that Pattinson’s theoretically proposed appearance on SNL was given the nod by three persons relevant to such an idea (that is, Andy Samberg, Kristen Wiig, and Seth Meyers). Too bad Pattinson hasn’t sought out the possibility because his fans seemed quite in favor of the notion. Prior to this mention, there was already a small facebook group established that envisioned ideas for skits and organized a petition.
SNL isn’t the only television show where Pattinson is wanted, it seems. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Alec Baldwin had Pattinson on the brain too.
“Paul McCartney. We’re working on it.” That was lead actor in a comedy winner Alec Baldwin’s quick response to who he’d like to see guest star on NBC’s “30 Rock.” Winning for the second time out of his three nominations for his role as Jack Donaghy, Baldwin joked when asked if he could get “Twilight’s” Robert Pattinson to guest star as a favor for his teenage daughter. “I’m sure he has no shortage of shows that want him to come on, like ‘Desperate Housewives.’ I’m sure those women would want to get their hands on him.”
Finally, according to another source at E! Online, Olivia Wilde discussed the possibility of Pattinson appearing on House. Wilde was Twilight series author Stephenie Meyer’s favorite suggestion for the character of Rosalie, according to her website.
-- Posted by Ashley from iPhone