Monday, September 21, 2009

The Internet Has Spoken: Twilight is Lame

Don't get mad at me for this. Read it and you'll get it, then click on the link and you'll laugh your ass off. Lol!

Dear people who don’t live in a Twilight bubble (aka normal people, most people in the universe & people I should spend more time with),
Sometimes when I see/hear/think of things in the Twilight world that you are also seeing/hearing/experiencing without being in the Twilight bubble yourself, I get really 2nd-hand embarrassed. Like, it’s one thing for ME to go to see a band play who’s lead singer is the baby mama of the 2nd-cousin of the father of the dude who plays Jacob’s sister Rebecca’s husband and see a crazed fan with a Twilight-themed tattoo and her fake lesbian life partner holding all 4 books plus a print-out of Midnight Sun for the the lead singer to sign, but for “normal” people to see that? Or even KNOW it exists? I apologize on behalf of the fandom.
I recently came across this website that has a ‘guide’ for all things Twilight called, “The Internet has spoken: Twilight is lame.” I read what they posted; I laughed along with them, and then I covered my face in 2nd-hand embarrassment because THEY think WE ALL are crazy for liking Twilight and are ALL crazy fans. And now I’m sure ALL FOUR of their readers probably agree with them. So I’m gonna do what any respectable 2nd-hand embarrassed person would do- share the embarrassment with all of MY readers so that we can, once again, thank the Twilight god (Buttcrack Santa, of course, turned into a god after his ascension into heaven) that we can proudly exclaim about all our Twilight actions: “That’s Normal.” (All our actions except attending that 100Monkey’s show. That was not normal! )
Enjoy today’s Monday Funnies after the jump!
The following commentaries are from the twilight guide, the comments on the images, are mine:
Site introduction:
It’s no secret that I think Twilight is a travesty to not only traditional vampire lore, but also to Mormon soft core fantasy porn writers everywhere. Thankfully, the internet has my back on this one.


-- Posted by Ashley from iPhone


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