Aww!!! My bff bria, who is madly in love with Kellan, sent this to me today. I cried reading it because he is so sweet and adorable...if any man on earth could be perfect, he's the closest thing to it. He's an angel in RL and he's a real Christian, as am I. It is such a relief to see an actor or actress as a Christian...after all the media says about them, it's like a weight has been lifted.
Thank you sweetpeaswank for telling KLO about this and allowing us "fans", that didn't get the chance to attend, to know this about it.
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Sunday- The day I had been waiting for! Eek! First up was our picture with Kellan. I couldn’t believe the difference in Security from the days before! They had ropes setup at the end of the hall so you couldn’t get by unless you had a photop ticket. They had Latices’s setup so you couldn’t even look in the room if you walked by! Then someone came down the line and said that the actor had requested no hugs. Ha. He was totally cool and down to earth just like he was last year. He was definitely giving hugs so I asked if he would give me a hug as good as he did last year and he answered “Of course!! I’ve been Practicing!!” and squeezed me! He definitely knows how to treat his fans! There were just 2 bodyguards staring me down!! After that we got to get right back in line for our picture with Him AND Peter Facinelli! Yay! Then we got to sit there and listen to them talk for a good hour and 1/2 before we got to go to our lunch with them. Peter and I got to chat for a second about our similarity about having 3 girls which was cool and he was a total awesome guy!
One of the most awesome things about the weekend was learning what a devout Christian Kellan is. Its not something that you hear ANY of the media publishing which is really disappointing to me. He totally talked about how his favorite band last year was Skillet. And he hit on it again in the q&a this year by mentioning how his favorite music to listen to is Christian. And he just finished reading “Boundaries in Dating”. He encouraged everyone to read this and stated that its changed his life. When we got him alone at our table he was first asked about his “see through shirt” that he wore and he joked about how he forgets that in certain lights it appears sheer and he wore it to church a few weeks ago and people were saying stuff to his mom Then that brought up the subject of the book. He started telling us about reading boundaries in dating and how he has learned about really bringing God into his relationships and honesty and how he wished that he had learned this stuff a long time ago and he would have saved himself a lot of heartache. He talked about how he was missing church cus it was Sunday and all sorts of stuff. He was just really raw and real and it was really awesome! It has also made me realize how much the media tends to twist around things and makes me sad for these actors.
SweetPeaSwankKellan Lutz Online (Source)